Gabo, La Magia De Lo Real / Gabo, The Magic Of Reality

The Australian National Centre on Latin Amerian Studies and Embassy of Colombia present the third film of the 2015 Colombian Film Festival:

GENRE / GÉNERO        Feature Documentary / Largometraje Documental (90 mins, 2015) 

DIRECTOR                   Justin Webster

PRODUCTORS Caracol/ Discovery Studios/ JW Productions

Directed by Justin Webster, the production, a joint project between the United States of America, Colombia and Spain, explores the life of Colombian Nobel Laureate Gabriel Garcia Márquez from his humble beginnings until he became one of the most famous Latin American writers.

The documentary  presents how the political struggles of Latin America in the 70s and 80s, influenced García Marquez’ work creating amazing masterpieces such as “One Hundred Years of Solitude” but also strong  testimonials of Colombia’s contemporary history in ¨News of a Kidnapping” (Noticia de un Secuestro).

Testimonials by family members, friends, co-workers, journalists and writers and politicians such as Bill Clinton, highlight the life of the Colombian writer and explore the significance of García Márquez journalistic writings, his personality, and his perception of reality.

The documentary “GABO, The magic of reality” has received awards at the recent International Film Festival of Cartagena de Indias and at the Latin American Film Festival of New York.



The showing of the film (90 minutes) will be followed by light food and beverages through the kind support of the Embassy of Colombia.

This movie is recommended for viewers 18 years and over.

The Film is in Spanish with English subtitles.

Admission is free. No RSVP required.

Date and Times


Haydon-Allen Lecture Theatre (The Tank), Building 23, University Avenue, ANU
